Sunday, 22 May 2016

Shout out to that awesome Mum!

So today something I would call "odd" happened to me today. 
So becoming at mum at a yonge age (14) I was forever dreading the time my daughter would start school, only out of fear I would be frowned apon or judge (even both). My daughter is in daycare already, she starts kindy next year. But I'm already at that's stage of the awkward school drop off's where I'm looked at in discust, pitty & shame, I'm never spoken to let alone included in parent things. I'm okay with it but it would be nice to have maybe one of those casual parent friends to talk too from my daughters school friends. So anyway shout out to the Mum who lives a street over from me, noticing my child was playing with yours at the park & coming to introduce yourself & even inviting me over for a day of coffee & play date! You took it apon yourself to include me even though I'm a lot younger than you & im the same age as your eldest child. It really did make me feel happy & included. 
- My day was honestly made. Thank you 

1 comment:

  1. I hope you were able to go for a few more coffees with her since then and that you feel included more often, because you're certainly not alone.

    I'm very sad to read you feel people look at you with "disgust, pity and shame". I can tell you that being a young parent is not disgusting, pitiful or shameful. It's wonderful, challenging and inspiring and I'm sure you're doing a great job.
