Monday, 11 April 2016

Single/only parent Mothers. ❤️

Dear single mamas, ❤️

I was going to write an angry rant about all the dads that left, but instead I want to apologise on behalf of all of them. To the ones who walked away with the excuse that they're "too scared", I'm sorry you're missing out on being apart of a life that is so blessed, blessed because of one beautiful mother who will be around for all of it. 

Single mama, I want to thank you on behalf of all your babies who cant yet speak, on behalf of all your children who don't understand how much you do for them yet, for all your kids who don't realise how tired mummy is from working 2 jobs just to put a meal on the table every night and keep a roof over their head. 

I want to thank you for never quitting, and for being so strong, and for pushing through those days and nights when all you want to do is curl up in a ball and cry. 

I want to thank you for being there for your child's first breath, first laugh, first word and smile. I want to thank you for giving it all you can, for loving your child with every inch of your heart. 

I want to thank you for protecting them from danger, and being the one they can run to and hug after a bad dream. 

Thank you for everything you do; being their inspiration, role model, first love, teacher, cook, guide, mother, father and everything else I haven't mentioned. 

Thank you from me, and from everyone. Keep doing what you're doing, I truly admire you single mamas out there for being some of the strongest women in the world.💪🏽🌏❤️ #mamaappreciation

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