Thursday, 3 March 2016

Dealing with tantrums !

As most would know i have 2 children. Both girls aged 7 and 2. My first was what i call a golden child, i had no trouble with her whatsoever. Her tantrums would be a little sook. But when it comes to Summer let me tell you she can scream !!! The last couple of weeks she has really been playing up. She is constantly annoying Krystal, she pulls her hair and even hit her with a remote control. To be honest when all this "mucking up" started i had no idea how to deal with it. Ive slowing learnt the best way i can deal with these situations is by removing summer from the room. I just put her in her cot and give her time to chill out. This also gives me a few minutes to calm.down myself. I thought having another child would exactly the sane as the first time round. Ive know learnt that every child is different. These past few weeks have been an eye opener and i really take my hat off to parents that have to deal with tantrums daily as it is so stressfull.

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