Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Actually, I am her mum.

Being a young mum with young looking parents is kind of bitter sweet.
So many times I have been shopping with my Mum and she has been pushing my daughters pram and numerous people compliment her by saying ‘your daughter is so cute’ and continue to ask questions, how old is she, what is her name ect... I always jump in and say, ‘Actually I am her mum’. At first it really bothered me and I wouldn’t let my mum push my pram now I don’t mind at all.
There’s also been times where I have been out with my dad and my daughter and people look at us a little funny, so now my dad always holds my mums hand in public.
Another one is that I’ve had is that there is no one else in my home calling me mum, so I have been called by first name from my daughter up until recently while she calls my parents ‘Mum & Dad’. Now she doesn’t stop with the ‘Mum, mum mum’.
My nan doesn’t mind it at all though, she loves being able to say, ‘I’m actually her great grand mother’. At 61 and loves being told how young she looks.
My parents now go by - Ya Ya for nan & G-Man for pop, with a constant reminder that they are to young to be grandparents although wouldn’t change it for the world now. So I guess in a way they are like her second parents and I’m not complaining at all.

Paige :) 

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