Monday, 21 November 2016



My dearest Son starts Kindergarten next year. He is going to be in a support class as he has ASD, along with an intellectual disability. It's very hard to let go of the fact he is no longer my little baby and is going to be on his own at school! When i started Talking Realities, back in 2012 he was just 6 months old!!  But i am excited for him to learn and make some friends even though he doesn't talk he will use visuals to help guide him through his disability.

It's hard sometimes to be a parent of an ASD child or any disability for that matter, but wouldn't change them for the world!!

My son started off when he was 2 and a half showing signs of regression, and now he is almost 5, and when yes, he may not want to use the toilet, and he may not want to talk very much, he is showing signs of 'getting better' at things. (I'm not sure if that is the right word). He can use one worded phrases, is extremely happy, can count to 100! and knows all his ABC's, colours and SHAPES. Including pointing out a dodecahedron.

So, if your child has a disability, or may be a little slower than others, why compare? Why not just love what they CAN do, rather than listen to others about what they CANT do.

That's my philosophy.


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