Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Ramblings of a Mum of a School Aged Child.

Well 2016 is just flying by, I often find myself getting nostalgic when looking at my daughter,  of days when she was younger, needed me for every little thing and the things we were able to do before she was off at big school.
The days of packing a picnic and heading out to the city or beach for the day to swim, play and explore on a whim are gone, everything now has to be planned in advance around work, school and other activities.
Weekdays are busy, Weekends are busy too and when they aren't it's a catch up of housework, laundry or getting groceries done and planning for the week ahead. Planning an adventure is a lot more difficult now days. It's not as carefree when you have to schedule in relaxing family time.

She's growing much too fast now, she'll be turning 8 in the new year and be headed into year 3 at school. My baby will be in stage 2 next year.
The world of primary school is a constant blur of notes, excursions, assemblies, homework, home reading, library books, open days and meeting with the teacher and if your lucky and are able to spare the time volunteer to change home reader books, be a parent helper or work for the P&C which is wonderful to be a part of but also can be full on at times with fundraising, BBQ's, school banking (dollarmites), grants meetings looking for funding to better the school, Mother's Day stall, Father's Day stall, parent liaison meetings for before and after school care or the canteen, safety meetings and all the behind the scenes work to make those things happen, plus the actual P&C and fundraising meetings each term to plan and share information.

It's all wonderful but also all consuming and before you know it, the year is half way done and your in Term 3 and wondering where the time between beginning Kindergarten and Term 3 of Year 2 went?

But that's life with a school aged child.

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