Friday, 19 February 2016

Kindergarten - first and only child

Hey Everyone

I just thought I'd share my experience and thoughts on my daughter Lily starting kindergarten for those of you who are interested and feel like its relevant to you.
So this year, Lily turned the big 5 and started kindergarten. So many emotions! ! We were both very excited about this, although now I realise how fast time has gone and how much she has grown.

I am extremely happy and relieved that she has started school with a good friend from pre school, however my daughter is shy and found it hard at first to make new friends. In the first week her only friend was away leaving lily to spend her lunch time alone in the playground. This was really upsetting to hear as she was quite popular at preschool. I found it difficult to leave her in the morning in the playground even though there was only 15 mins before class as I had to be at uni. However Lily has made a new friend who also arrives early to school so I am happy that she is now opening up and creating new friendships and less worried about her being left alone.

I also found it confronting at first during drop of and pick up as I am younger than the other parents and many of the parents already have their friendship groups that they stand and talk to during these times. Over the weeks I have pushed myself to say hello to some of the mothers. I have realized that parents can be very judgemental and in competition with their children even over things like food and lunchboxes. I think the best thing to do is ignore it and do what is best for you, your children and family.

I have also volunteered to do canteen which my daughter loved, however I didn't realise how busy it was. It was also a good experience for me. I am hoping to also attend p&c and involve myself in as much as I can. I have been receiving an overwhelming amount of school information and dates for things that are happening at the school. I think it is awesome that the school has a big sense of community but in a way it leaves me feeling guilty because I am a very busy mum and cannot be as involved as much as I would like.

I have started to find that primary school is hard at times, alot of organisation is needed pick up and drop of and ON TIME, make sure school uniform is ready and lunches are prepared. I have a frozen container of goodies such as banana bread, Vegemite Scrolls and muffins to minimize time preparing each day. I also prepare lunches the night before which makes mornings easier.

Lily has been missing the amount of free play time and tv time she had previously, she loves school but is still adjusting to going 5 days a week and we are still yet to add homework into the afternoon routine.

Lily is getting involved in her learning and growing as a person. She insisted on telling news even though alocated news days werent in place yet. I was really happy that she felt confident enough to share with her class. I am so happy with how well she has settled in and proud that she has already recieved a merit award. She looks super cute in her uniform, really enjoys kindy and I am satisfied with the school I chose to enroll her in. There has been a lot of first time experiences and many more to come. Primary school is a new journey for both of us.

That's all for now :)
Thanks for reading ☺
It would be awesome for others to share their experiences too.

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